Hello! We are the Kodo Walkers
Experienced English Kumano Kodo Guides specially trained and licenced to guide the Iseji RouteWhat is the Kumano Kodo and the Iseji Route
The Kumano Kodo is a network of mountain paths connecting four major religious centers in Japan, Kumano Sanzan, Yoshino, Koya-san and Ise-jingu. For the past 17 years, Kumano Kodo’s popularity has mainly been focused on the Nakahechi route, connecting Kumano Three Grand Shrines with Kyoto and Osaka. This route has seen a huge resurgence of people coming to visit Kumano Sanzan.
The Iseji route which connects Ise-jingu with Kumano, was most popular among merchants, commoners and beggars from about 400 to 150 years ago.
The Iseji route is one of Kumano’s best-kept secrets. Most of these route offer ancient stone paved paths with a rich history and spectacular mountain and ocean views. It is the relatively unbeaten path of Kumano! Come see this jewel while it is still pristine.

About the Kodo Walkers
The Kodo Walkers is a group of English Kumano Kodo guides who have the knowledge and passion to provide you with an unforgettable visit to our area.
Our group has been walking the routes and studying their rich history and stories since 2004. We can tell you about the locals, our way of life and major historical figures who have come to visit, stories that really add a whole new dimension to your stay here.
Our local guides hope to be your ambassador to the Iseji, the Kumano region and beyond while you are here. Please come and discover the beauty of the Iseji.
Recent Travels
onsite training of 中辺路
中辺路のハイライト、発心門王子から熊野本宮大社までを、KodoWalkers member Makoの案内 で歩きました。すごく暑い日で、暑い中ガイドするトレーニングにもなりました。
Onsite training of Nachi
那智ガイドの会 宇保先生に那智曼荼羅の道から大門坂駐車場まで約3時間のコースをガイドしていただきました。その後、KodoWalkersメンバーは、大門坂から熊野那智大社、青岸渡寺、那智の滝までTim先生の解説を聞きながら、熊野の自然と歴史を楽しみながら歩きました。...
Nature Walk With Takino Sensei
Nature Walk 私たちKodo Walkers は植物の専門家をお招きして植物の観察会も行っています。植物の名前を知ることはとても楽しいですよ(^^♪ムラサキサギゴケ 鷺が飛んでいるように見えて、苔のように広がっていることからこの名前がついたそうです。 アオノクマタケラン...